Naturally Good
By Jorge R. Contreras
Medical Therapy
Also known as tetrahydrocannabinol is the active ingredient in marijuana plant responsible for the psychoactive side effects such as euphoria, dizziness, visual intensification and auditory sensations. It achieves these effects by plugging into cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Some side effects include feeling silly, happy, relaxed and sleepy, while in others may increase anxiety levels. Colors and sounds may seem more intense and visual trails can appear behind moving objects. Time might feel as though it’s moving slowly. THC can cause hunger, as well as intensifying pleasure from tasting certain foods. The side effects last about the metabolism of each person, the amount of THC doses and of course the way of consumption method, (smoking, vaporization, edibles). Effects of smoked or vaporized marijuana tend to wear off within one to three hours. Meanwhile, the effects of oral cannabis such as edibles or THC oil capsules may last for four to eight hours. There are no documented cases of anyone dying as a direct result of marijuana overconsumption. It is possible to consume enough THC to create very unpleasant effects, however. At high doses, THC effects can be extremely uncomfortable and even frightening. A fast heart rate, anxiety and paranoia, nausea and vomiting, and hallucinations can occur.