The course grade is based on a theoretical maximum of 1000 points. That means, a student who receives 1000 points through all course activities has earned an A+.
The final course letter grade is a reflection of points accumulated through coursework. Here is the grading scale as it maps to coursework point accumulations:
900-1000 points: A - Excellent
800-899 points: B - Good
700-799 points: C - Satisfactory
600-699 points: D - Unsatisfactory
0-599 points: F - Failing
For students enrolled in the course with a pass or no pass grading model, here is the grading scale as it maps to coursework point accumulation:700-1000 points: P - Pass
0-699 points : NP - Not Pass
Know that the course offers well more than 1000 points for you to accumulate through your coursework activity.
That means, you don't have to do everything assigned, and for what you do, you don't have to do everything perfectly. Just plan to showing up, doing well, and getting the points you need for the grade you want.
Historically, I notice most students come into the course aiming for an A. If this describes you, that means you should have your eye on the magic number 900.