Manifesting My Creative Destiny:
Concept for Fine Artwork Portfolio

Roseanna Ayala

Concept | Inspiration | Design Notes

Concept: Lets Be Artsy


Ive always enjoyed creating art with my hands. My courage and curiosity in exploring the many opportunites of mediums art has to offer, helps me discover a deeper understanding of my spiritual truth and journey.

Every piece develops character through expression and experience. Web Design has taught me sincere appreciation and value of my creativity in art.

Inspiration: Authenticity


My family as creative artists have always inspired me to fabricate my own art growing up. My mixed work of mediums shapes and embodies my personal type of design and style, with originality.

The process of creating illustrates a powerful feeling from within and gives me a sense of belonging and purpose in the world. It reminds me of the gift that was passed onto me from my ancestral lineage. My creative achievements build a foundation for structure, confidence, and self - discipline. I learn patience,value, and peace through my work.

Design Notes:Works & Details to Include


Five Power combo artwork both recent and old derived from various fine art classes that resonate with my soul

In addition, there will be simple text explanation that support each piece such as a title, the dale it was created, mediums and the dimensions.

I will add light soft colors for background, and dark colors in lexts to complement the artwork as a whole and individually. One page scroller. In condusion, my contact info will display at the bottom end.