Color Palette - " Woodstock"

rgb(77, 195, 255)
hsl(200, 100%, 65%)

rgb(128, 0, 0)
hsl(0, 100%, 25%)


rgb(255, 224, 102)
hsl(48, 100%, 70%)

rgb(38, 115, 38)
hsl(120, 50%, 30%)

rgb(230, 138, 0)
hsl(36, 100%, 45%)

rgb(128, 64, 0)
hsl(30, 100%, 25%)

Looking at this palette was meant to give the feel of nostalgia of a bygone era. The colors might seem random to some, but to me they remind me of the carefree clothing of the 70's and the worn out photos that have yellowed over time. I imagine people hanging out in VW busses, wearing clothing in the style of what we now would call Hiippie Chic. Lots of women and me with flowers in their hair and organic prints on their tunics and dresses, wearing beaded necklaces and bracelets make of wood and multicolored string. This palette is meant to evoke the feeling of earthy carefree living.