
Color Palette 3 - Winter Beachwood

rgb(0, 77, 77)
hsl(180, 100%, 15%)

rgb(102, 0, 0)
hsl(0, 100%, 20%)

rgb(179, 134, 0)
hsl(45, 100%, 35%)

rgb(174, 176, 179)
hsl(216, 3%, 69%)

rgb(133, 104, 79)
hsl(28, 25%, 42%)

rgb(47, 41, 36)
hsl(27, 13%, 16%)

This color palette is indicative of a few elements. I am usually inspired by nature so I went with cooler colors that are reminiscent of wood and earth, with shadows and highlights found in water, with the added complements of light sand, all against a moody gray that represents storm clouds. Combined together, this palette gives the feeling of a Pacific Northwest beach on a cloudy Winter evening.