COLOR PALETTE - "80's Vintage"

#004d4d rgb(0, 77, 77) hsl(180, 100%, 15%)

#660000 rgb(102, 0, 0) hsl(0, 100%, 20%)

#b38600 rgb(179, 134, 0) hsl(45, 100%, 35%)

#001133 rgb(0,17,51) hsl(220, 100%, 10%)

#ffefcc rgb(255, 239, 204) hsl(41, 100%, 90%)

#333333 rgb(51, 51, 51) hsl(0, 0%, 20%)

The feel that this color palette is going for is kind of an 80's theme clothing vibe. I feel like there were a lot of bold primary colors at the time mixed in with toned up black and browns, and creamy off whites. I feel like all of these colors would be found in clothing items of the time from shirts and pants, to hats and shoes.