Using the logo from my job in these three steps showed me the power of what a gif, png, and jpg can do. I did not know GIF were going to be more pixelated and sloppy, I can even see some white marks left. On the other hand, PNG version is much more clear, no white marks and looks smoother especially with the transparent background. The JPG also had its nice touches but I was unaware that JPG's cannot be made with a transparent background. I have learned so much from this assignment.
Photo Comparision:
At first glace, most might not see any changes between the three formats. I was confused at first until I compared the PNG and JPG to the GIF version. The colors on the GIF are less saturated and pixelated but the PNG and JPG have much more color popping, it can be seen on the brightness of the oranges from the street signs. I am glad those signs are there to truly show the difference in color between these formats
Photo Transparency Comparison:
If I am being honest, I thought this part of the assingment was going to be easy but I struggled hard. Getting the transparent PNG of superman was and the JPG of the background image waseasy and fun but putting it together was something I did not get used to. I am not sure why my image is stretched and I bet it would look cool if it were the actual size so it could seem as if Superman is flying toward us. Other than that, it was fun to expirement with creating my own gif and learning the differences between GIF's, PNG's, and JPG's