I am majoring in Graphics Design and I would consider myself to be a creative person. As a kid I've always been drawn into technology by playing website games, such as CoolMathgames, and over the years discovered other videogames and creative apps to express myself. I've always liked that I have the passion and creativity to create things either digitally or physically.
Just as many of you, I am taking this Intro to Web Design class to pursue in Graphics Design. For those who aren't pursuing in Graphics Design, taking this course is one of the required classes for completing a degree in this career path. As a result, I hope I could learn a lot from taking this course, specifically how certain images/graphics are used and uploaded into websites (like photos shown focused or are seen blurred out in the background).hack
After completing this class, I hope I can apply all the knowledge I learned by creating my own website. In my website I hope to put every work I have created in my Graphic Design journey to be as a online portfolio!
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Here's one of my favorite shopping websites that was just released recently.
Here is a list of the few codepens I have worked on throughout the semester. Take a look and enjoy!